Monday, 28 February 2011

Fed up with being ill

Well what can I say, Im fed up of being sick lol
In the last 2 weeks I have been sick more times than I have in the last year.
I think it is because im eating or drinking to much.
I have stopped blending everything now and just make sure that I chew more than ever.
It is getting easier, I even went out on Saturday night.
I had 2 small glasses of wine which was yummy and I swiped some of Adams Nachos.
It was Adams birthday and my mother in-laws party.
I didn't touch the Birthday cake (the 2nd time I have been around birthday cake in 2 days)
I felt good and I am starting to notice how much weight I have lost. I am becoming narrower and the top I was wearing was 4 sizes smaller than I would normally even attempt to wear. The legging where 5 sizes smaller.
I am getting narrower now and now fit on the picadilly line seats without the seats digging into me.
I know now the weight im losing is fat and not water and everyday im getting closer to my goal of being slimmer and healthier.
I am going to get some photos done soon and start documenting my weight loss in pictures as well as words.
I will be going swimming next week as well if my cold clears up, It will be the first time my daughter Ruby has ever been swimming, I would never take her before as I was so ashamed of my body.
Its funny as now I show the scars on my stomach to people and Dont really care. before I had Ruby and the Operation I would never have done this.
Its funny how popular this operation has become.
As I have already stated if you or anyone is thinking or due to have the operation I am hear if you want advice or have any questions.
Alot of people think this operation is the easy option but it isn't.
Anyway im signing off now.
Also just want to thank Gail for all your support, it means alot xx

Monday, 21 February 2011

Still here

God this is hard, I thought it would be easy after the operation but it is so much Harder.
On the plus side, I have had my stitches out for nearly a week and as of last Tuesday I have lost 2 stone.
Luckily my mum and other half have helped out.
Last Sunday I had a little mini breakdown. I just became really emotional and my Mum took Ruby home with her so I could clear my head.
So Tuesday I had my stitches out and that was such a relief, they had started getting really uncomfortable.
It was also nice to see the lady who also had a gastric bypass the same time as me. (I wont name her as she wants to be private)
Turns out she had got emotional to lol.
I have also started noticing my weight loss which is a boost. I have became narrower and lost a lot of weight from my face.
I must say that being on a liquid diet was hard! Every other advert seems to be related to food, especially as it was coming up to Valentines day so it was all the offers. I also fine this purée diet hard, I just want to chew on a carrot but that wont happen for another 7 weeks, trust me im counting lol.
I also had my first experience of dumping syndrome.
I was silly and ate some ice cream. within 30 minutes I was feeling really sick and was sick.
Its stopped me from eating Ice Cream again....
I will update again soon but my time is scarce at the moment as my little monster as hit the terrible twos

Monday, 7 February 2011

The Aftermath

What can I say the pain is unbearable with the gastric bypass surgery.
I arrived at the hospital at 7.20am and waited in the waiting lounge.
There was 4 of us 2 bands and 2 bypass`s.
I was originally 1st on the list but was swapped to 3rd so the ladies with the bands could get it done 1st as they go home the same day.
I was still excited and not at all nervous.
Slowly the time was getting nearer. Luckily I was having a giggle wit my partner Adam and the other lady who was having the bypass. I will call her jen.
So at 10.40 it was time to go up to theatre, I got changed into my hospital gown and said my goodbyes.
I didn't realise how much I loved Adam until I had to say Goodbye and the slight feeling that if something went wrong I would never see him again.
So off me and the nurse went to the 14th floor and to a room.
Through the doors was the theatre and they where finishing off the lady who had the band.
It was quite frightening being in that situation but my nurse too my mind off it.
So I waiting around 30 mins until the antistatic Uri arrived, I then got on the bed and they put in the drip needle.
Jen had said to me look at the time when they give you the antistatic. It was 11.21am.
I came round a few hours later in so much pain and just wanting to be sick. I was so out of it.
They had given me morphine and it made me feel so sick.
I couldn't believe the pain, I would say it was worse than child birth and that is one thing you are not warned about.
That night I hardly slept due to the pain. At 4am I was just laying in bed crying.
I have to say the nurses, doctors and surgeons are all wonderful at charing cross and they made me as comfortable as possible. I was offered Morphine but as it makes me feel so sick I decided to deal with the pain.
The next morning I walked round to see Jen. I am so glad I had her as we each boosted each other when we where feeling down.
Adam brought Ruby to see me today and having my little girl there made me feel much better.
That night I had a good sleep.
Sunday was home time. I have to say I was sad to go home as they done such a good job looking after me.
Sunday in my own bed with my family around me was perfect. Again I had a good night sleep.
Monday/Today I am not really in pain. I have taken all the dressing off my wounds to air them.
Adam is just getting my medication and lunch ready now, chicken soup yummy.
Will write again soon. sorry for the wait guys and thanks for your support

Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Not Long to go

Well not that long left until I go in for my op.
Im surprised That I am still not nervous but just excited, I suppose it will all hit me Friday morning.
I've told my Mum that If something goes wrong and I become ill, I Dont want them to keep me alive if I am not
able to live the way I do now.
I also want Pray and I found heaven by Take That at my funeral lol.
In all seriousness though I know things can go wrong and I hope it doesn't.
Dont forget the comp ends tomorrow.
I will send the prize out early next week to the winner when I get out of Hospital.
Speak soon peeps