Friday, 5 April 2013

Well I went to the premier of Olympus has fallen on Wednesday Night and have to say the Film is a proper action film. It packed full of guns, and explosions and has a really good story line to. In parts I must admit it was a little far fetched but all in all it was a fun 114 minutes. Even Adam liked it and said it was the best film he had seen in ages.

Saturday, 16 March 2013


Well I know I haven't blogged as much as I should have and im very sorry.
So what has been happening in the world of Layla?
Well at the beginning of February I entered a competition on Capital. It was make your mornings better.
I had a call saying I was short-listed for it.
So on the Monday Morning I was up dressed and ready listening to the radio hoping I would be chosen and I was.
The capital street team came to my home with all the prizes I could win.
A tv, Xbox, Ipad and a trip to Nice, as you know im a seasoned comper, but when you have 3 people in your home and your live on the Radio to a few million people your nerves tend to play up.
So there I was in my front room awaiting four questions,
Luckily I got them all right and I will shortly be off to Nice.
On the weight front, it has been over 2 years since my op and I have now stabilised in weight.
I still need to lose a few stone but am much happier now with myself than I was.
XOXO peeps
Chat soon