Sunday, 30 October 2011

Very excited about an upcoming review

Well I have to say Im quite excited about a review I have coming up soon.
If you have a little one then you would have heard of Justin Fletcher (no relation to me lol)
He is also known as Mr Tumble and has been involved in so many of the biggest children's shows out there including Something Special, Gigglebiz and even Timmy Time.
He has a Brand new Album coming out on 21st November.
There are 20 yes you read right 20 songs on there.
He is also on Facebook and twitter so check him out at either
@_JustinFletcher and facebook is
If you do chat to him or talk about him use the hashtag #justinhandsup
You can also pre order the CD here

So keep your eyes peeled for my review. I cant wait

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