Friday 2 September 2011

Rude Staff

I Dont know what it is about staff in Sainsburys but they always feel the need to ask me if im PREGNANT.
I would never dream of asking someone if they was pregnant in case they was just overweight.
Anyway I was at the counter asking for 20 ciggies and she said `What are you expecting a girl or a boy'.
I explained I was not pregnant and she said `Oh its because you looked it'.
I said to her actually I have lost over 6 stone!
What a bloody cheek, I could have said so do you love but im not that rude.
Its gutting as I have just started getting self confidence and thinking that im starting to look quite good and then someone spoils it.
Anyone else had this happen to them?


abijo said...

Hi, I'm 19 and have been dieting since I was around 14. My weight has been up and down all my school and college life, I've always been bullied and had comments. I do a childcare diploma at college so whenever I'm in schools the kids are always like, are you having a baby? But I just laugh it off. You always get negative comments but hey, if you were skinny you'd be perfect, thats what I always think hehe :) Congrats on 6 stone thats amazing, I've only lost 1 so far but thats better than putting another 1 on! :D Good luck on continuing your journey and don't let the ignorant ****s get ya down :) xxx

layla1979 said...

One stone is brilliant, well done. You have done that yourself and dieting is hard. Thank you for your comments